Struggling to manage your own finances can leave you stressed and concerned for the future stability of your family. If you find yourself in this situation, financial counselling from a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) can be an effective way to better understand your current situation and develop an action plan for your finances, particularly if you are facing significant debt. At D. & A. MacLeod, our team will work with you to budget, strategize, and discuss financial plans for the future.
You may already be dealing with significant debt, such as having creditors calling to collect late payments or foreclosing upon some of their assets. However, in these situations it is best to be proactive with your financial situation by seeking credit counselling near Smiths Falls or elsewhere in Eastern Ontario before it gets out of control. Seeking help before you experience significant debt is the best solution and will help you to avoid the need for bankruptcy in the future.
At D. & A. MacLeod, meetings with a financial counsellor for debt help are always confidential in providing options for you and your family. He or she will not disclose your financial situation to anyone. Knowing that your banks and creditors are not privy to the details can be a great relief to individuals who need financial assistance. It is beneficial to meet with a counsellor, possibly over the course of several consultations.
Preparing to Speak with Us for Debt Help in Kingston & Eastern Ontario
A licensed professional at D. & A. MacLeod can help you manage your money with an effective plan and strategy after discussing your spending habits. There are a number of things you should consider as you prepare for a financial or credit counselling meeting in Smiths Falls or elsewhere in Eastern Ontario.
Gather details about your current spending habits and the areas you are having trouble managing
Provide information about your current income and any other financial assistance you currently rely on
Compile a list of your major expenses each month and recent bills, loan agreements, etc.
Come prepared to review any notices you’ve received from creditors (if any)
If necessary, our team will act on your behalf to communicate with creditors, while offering guidance with regards to a bankruptcy, consumer proposal, or other suitable arrangement. We will walk you through the process that is best suited to your unique situation and guide you every step of the way towards a new beginning. Financial counsellors will discuss your current situation, any financial hardship you are facing, how to avoid further problems, and how to overcome the current ones. If you are simply looking for guidance on how to avoid a difficult situation, we will guide you on developing a budget, looking for support systems you can utilize to manage your debt, smart saving tips, and how to set up a payment plan for your monthly expenses that works with your schedule. Speak to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) Serving Eastern Ontario Based on your unique circumstances, financial counselling offers relevant advice and incorporates your own input while helping you to establish a budget or alternative plan. At D. & A. MacLeod Company Ltd., we offer a free, initial consultation which strives to give clients the confidence and knowledge they need to improve their money management skills and decrease debts before it gets out of hand. Clients will benefit the most if they provide all necessary details of their income, debts, bills, loan agreements, court documents, and any related letters. With over 65 years of experience, we have many locations across Eastern Ontario to serve you, including Smiths Falls, Ottawa, Kingston, Pembroke, Orleans, Cornwall, Brockville, and Kanata. Contact us today online or at 613-236-9111 to arrange a free consultation at the location nearest you. Over 65 years experience = Solutions = Results. Return to blogs